Infant feeding
Firstly, plan meals for their children. Your kids can enjoy eating healthy and nutritious food, if they have the options only healthy and nutritious food! Therefore, avoid having in your kitchen foods that are not recommended for young developing.Let your children participate in the choice of food! Take them to the grocery store and ask them why a particular food is considered healthy and the other is not. Ask them for suggestions for healthy snacks for the whole family. Gradually they develop knowledge about what should and should not eat.
Note which foods your kids like vegetables more and search more often enter them in your day-to-day. Some children like certain vegetables, while others do not. Some like more fruit and you can take advantage of it, including most times the food they like to eat more - even can use them as rewards for eating certain foods that do not like a lot, but they are important for the development of your body.
And remember that your child needs to be closely monitored by a pediatrician and, if that recommends the consumption of vitamin supplements, manage them in the correct dosage. Such supplements are recommended when a deficiency in a certain nutrient is observed and, therefore, is not a good idea to forget to give them.
These tips are simple but very effective. Put them into practice and not be long before you see good results by feeding their children!