If you can choose between white flour and whole grain items, choose later. Improving skin texture and regulating bowel functions are some functions of whole grain inside our body. Whole grain will help keep you full for longer amounts of time and also will improve your cholesterol levels.
You should eat several small amounts during the day. Check food piramid and you'll know how to size and compose each section.
Fish contain omega 3, which is necessary for nutrition. Who needs improve the own immunological system or produce the brain better need to consume enough omega 3. If you add flax seeds to the meals, you'll get good amounts of omega3 too. Adding a bowl or two of oatmeal and flax cereal or replacing a meal or two per week with fish can improve the amount of Omega 3 in what you eat.
Include more fiber in your diet. Fiber has many roles within our body, for example, aiding to lose weight. Fiber can prolong satiety feeling too.
Stop eating if you are almost full. It will avoid you eat too much and absorb a lot more calories than you require. Control how much food you eat and you'll build better eating habits.
As you have seen, when it comes to changing your diet, there are many things to take into consideration. Be aware to every detail about the foods you eat to make sure everything is alright. Your health depends not only on your feeding, but this has a big impact on that.